The S.E.M.C. Explosion-proof aluminum control selector switches type LJB1-S are specialized electrical devices designed for use in hazardous environments where explosive gases, vapors, or dusts may be present. These switches are typically used in industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing, mining, and any other environment where safety is a critical concern.

Product categories

Cable glands and connectors

Junction Boxes

Lighting Fixtures

Distribution & Control System

Control and command equipment

Plugs and sockets

weatherproof series

signalling equipment

Sectors of use

Oil and Gas





Chemical pharmaceutical

Food industry

S.E.MC Survey

سرعت ،دقت و كيفيت ارائه اطﻼعات فني و مالي عاملين فروش را چگونه ارزيابي مي كنيد؟

سرعت تحويل تجهيزات و انجام تعهدات شركت ماشين سازي شمال را چگونه ارزيابي مي كنيد؟

روند انجام بازرسي هاي فني حين توليد و نهايي در سايت ماشين سازي شمال را چگونه ارزيابي مي كنيد؟

عملكرد شركت ماشين سازي شمال را در مقايسه با رقباي ايراني چگونه ارزيابي مي كنيد؟

آيا تاكنون شكايتي از شركت ماشين سازي شمال پيروز داشته ايد ؟درصورتيكه جواب شما بلي است اقدامات صورت گرفته بخش شكايات تا چه حد رضايت شما را برآورده كرده است؟

كداميك از موارد ذيل بارزترين ويژگي خوب ماشين سازي شمال پيروز مي باشد؟

كداميك از موارد ذيل بارزترين ويژگي بد ماشين سازي شمال پيروز مي باشد؟

About us

Shamal Pirouz Machinery Company started its activity as a designer and manufacturer of lamp bases and cable trays in Mazandaran province in 1985 AD. It focused on the manufacture of explosion-proof electrical equipment for use in the oil, gas, refining and petrochemical industries. As a result, since 1371, all the efforts of the group have been devoted to the implementation of updated international and European standards, as well as to the improvement of the quality level of products.
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